Monday, November 19, 2007

Bim's Big Buses

Today was the first class for my GIS course. It started late (without an apology but hey). It also went WAY over time (also without an apology) and of course people didn't bank on class ending so late so hunger was in the air. I had stabbing headaches while attempting to listen and follow (not sure what's with these frequent-ish headaches but they better stop!).

Class ended and I ate. Then wondered what to do. I had some business to take of in town so I called to find out what I needed and decided to venture there. I found the place easy enough and the transaction was a lot quicker and easier than I anticipated. Then I went to buy milk, but on the way I realised I needed a surge protector so I stopped and got that as well as AAA batteries that I need for my music thingy.

I got what I needed then ventured to catch the UWI bus to go back to campus. I was one person too late. So I decided today is the day to catch the BBB that I see on the roads but never travelled in. My Goodness!

First off, the signs didn't quite appear for me to read easily to know which bus parks where. I asked people standing there. Eventually (about 10 minutes of waiting) I asked one of the drivers for another bus, who showed me who to ask. Somehow that person disappeared when I was heading to him. Someone showed me who else to ask. That person sent me to someone else. This someone else told me should be there anytime now. Anytime now was 20 minutes later. Needless to say I was the first person on the bus.

The bus drove off about 5 minutes later, and lots of people came on along the way. One in particular was an old lady who came and sat beside me. (Forgive me Lord) I was hoping she didn't sit beside me, but alas! The was leaning over on me and telling me to put by bag on the ground. Say what?! Ok, I ignore and move on. Few minutes later an elderly man came on (walking with a cane) and the seats were all gone, so I was getting up to offer him my seat. Lady beside me stopped just short of cussing me! Oh no she didn't! I turned to her and asked her with as much respect as I could if she had a problem with me offering my seat to the man. The man of course refused because he said he was getting off shortly. Other persons (mostly elders for the record) turned to me and told me to ignore her. Good advice. I was kinda pissed. I said a prayer to ask God to take away whatever it was that causing me to feel this way, and she came off the bus shortly after. Sigh. Lots of work to do.

The good thing about the bus is it drops me relatively close to home. So after an hour of being on the road trying to get home I finally reach. Had a slight headache (again) so chatted a bit then tried sleeping. I think I dozed. Not too sure.

Friday, November 16, 2007

MARPOL 73/78 Annex V on Freewinds

Background: MARPOL 73/78 is an international agreement and is the short name for the International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships. The convention was adopted in 1973 and it's protocol in 1978 (hence the digits).

On Wednesday and Thurday of this week, I had the privelidge of attending a seminar on the MARPOL 73/78 convention, specifically dealing with Annex V which speaks to marine pollution by garbage. To say I learnt a lot may be an understatement. It opened my eyes to a lot of things ranging from governance issues to stupidity of governments (my words) to the complicated nature of life on the seas.

Day 1 had three presentations. Initially I was wondering if this would go well because the first set of introdutory speakers were somewhat nervous and resulted in less-than-perfect speeches. But it picked up and I was attentive and making notes on what was being presented. Lunch was rather good on the Freewinds- pasta with cheese, fish, beef (ground), vegetables, and all that jazz, plus dessert.

Day 2 (where a group of us decided to go back on our own) was perhaps just as or more informative than the previous day. I actually asked a question (and sounded slightly intellegent...I hope). I also introduced myself to one of the speakers who happens to work at the UNEP/CEP office in Jamaica where I was thinking of applying earlier this year. I got his card and an open invitation to visit. I'm improving! Lunch was also good...maybe even better than the day before, but can't really tell for sure.

It also happened that the Queen Mary 2 was docked at the Port. We were all amazed by it- even took pictures in front of it...well from a distance but still. Being on the Freewinds and seeing all the ships on the Port as well as knowing now what I do about the organised and clean nature of how ships operate, I have a greater desire to go on a cruise. It's on the list of things I want to do before God calls me from this earth and I do hope I get the chance. Maybe this chance will come when I work very hard and get a distinction for my Masters degree. (Hint, hint)

Monday, November 12, 2007


Since I've been here last, a few things have happened. In no particular order, there they are.
  • Had a meeting with a lecturer which was somewhat heated. I was tactful for the record.
  • Went on a tour of the island with some new friends, and picked up sea shells on one of the breaches and had passion fruit ice-cream.
  • Went to a funeral of a friend's mom.
  • Got frustrated to tears.
  • Spoke to my Godson :-)
  • Had hopes of a friendship renewed.
  • Felt closer to some of my classmates (may even go to Trinidad for a week next semester).
  • Continued getting decent grades
  • Watched 4 Disney cartoon movies (Aladdin series and Monsters Inc) and the promise of more to come.
  • Cremed (permed) my hair and had a new respect for my temporary hairdresser (who dropped me home after)
  • Bought shoes to replace the other pair that fell apart and got it at a very good deal (most comfortable high heeled shoes yet).
That sums up most of it I think. More to come with time.