Friday, March 7, 2008

Bad Morning that Could be Beter or Worse

Today we had a group presentation to do that is worth 25% of our final grades for this course of Vulnerability to Climate Change and Impact Assessment. The didn't quite start out right...

I woke up late. Not because the alarm didn't go off, but because I was tired (left school 10 something) and got much "extra" sleep. On my way out, I grabbed my watch (nice, brown, leather-band watch that I treasure very much) and stuck it in my pocket so I could put it on on my way. I step outside (in slippers) and it starts to rain. Great! Already late so no turning back for shoes. Then half way to the NCF parking lot where I am supposed to meet the bus, I go looking into my pocket for the watch and realise that it isn't there. This turns my mood further down. I get to the car park and wait...wait...wait! The damn UWI bus didn't come at all. So seeing this was after 8 and my presentation is at 9, I go to catch a bus. The ZRs (mini-buses) were all full or playing loud music (and still relatively full), so we waited for the blue bus (Transport Authority/gov. buses) to come since we saw it.

I got to school in time, but things would have been sooo much better had the morning started out better. What is worse is that I thought about turning back to look for my precious watch and take the regular bus to school, but decided not to, so I kept mentally beating myself up because had I done that, I would have been able to get to school on-time and not waste time waiting on the UWI bus that did not turn up.

The presentations we ok I think. I was less than perfect because somehow I managed to zone-out a bit during it (while I am presenting, yes). So that being over, it means I can now try hard to focus on the material more in-depth for the exam scheduled for Wed. Long days ahead...


Sweet Simone said...

Very worried Le, u zoned out WHILE presenting? Did u realise u were gone or did someone have to tell u? LOL glad it went well :)

bassChocolate said...

It sucks when days start out sour. I try not to equate a few bad events to an ultimately bad day. But it's hard...