Sunday, March 2, 2008


I'm back in Bim 4 days now, and unfortunately I am not sure things are getting better. Last couple days were somewhat surreal, particularly when I recalled grandma's funeral. But today somehow it hit home a bit and that, plus others things that I will not mention just had me down. Couldn't focus well. It's sad though considering the day started out well- I went to church, took communion and went to Sunday School.

I have 1 week of classes for this course left, and the exam is next Wed. I NEED to regain focus. So I am praying hard that I do. I cannot afford to fail or start doing poorly having come this far. And I am working hard to honour Grandma so failure is not an option.

Here's to walking out in faith and declaring another A.


Sweet Simone said...

I'm prayin for ur focus to come back Le, i know how hard it is, but remembering the faith that ur Grandmother had in u will keep u goin

bassChocolate said...

I hope by now things have gotten a little better. And you're right, what better way to honour her memory.