Thursday, December 25, 2008

Final Post

It has been a while since I posted about my last few days. They were quite hectic, but as usual God came though and it was something to remember. I was able to pack all my things despite the fact that it seemed otherwise. I was able to cover the cost of shipping my things thought I didn't expect to pay as much. I didn't miss my flight though I was paged and had to run to catch the plane. What's important is that I made it home safely.

My experiences in Barbados have been many. I have learnt a great deal about myself, about the country, about the people. I made some good friends. I was able to pursue my dream. It was bittersweet to leave, because Barbados was a nice place to be. But leave I must and did. But this one thing is certain- it will never be forgotten.

Farewell Bim!

PS: Merry Christmas to all who may read this, and a great year to come!

1 comment:

ruthibel said...

aw! WEll, I know it's a bit late, but welcome home Le!