Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Unexpected Events

On Sunday I went to a play at the Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination. I was taken by a friend (more an aunty figure) as a birthday treat. We were to have gone on Saturday, but the rain was mighty. The play was interesting. It was entitled "Sugarcane Blues" or something like that. It was talking about struggles with slavery and called it a parallel of sorts with the hotel industry. I'm not sure I agreed completely with the incinuations, but I appreciated the manner they presented the play. It was somewhat unique.

Yesterday I had a meeting with someone who was supposed to help me with my project. After that, a former co-worker of my dad who's here took me to dinner. It was nice.

What does the rest of the week have in store? We'll see. Just hope it's good. I think I need the good stuff to happen to balance a lot of the issues that have taken place in the last week.

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