Friday, October 3, 2008

Good Start

Day 1: Pretty uneventful though productive. Most memorable part of the day was being able to feel like I was home, even if it was just for a few bites. A friend of mine went to J'ca and brought me back some good ole bun and cheese (the real, orange one in the tin). So that was my lunch, along with Ting (paid a crap-load of money for where in J'ca would it cost what I paid which was US$ least nowhere I'd buy it). But it was good to be able to have that...

Day 2: Day started out less than fantastic with slight aches in the head area and less than the amount of work than I'd plan, but it was a good day none-the-less. I was alive and had a bed to rest the not-so-pain-free head and watch tv and try to sleep. In the evening I got a call from a friend about going to see Donnie McClurkin speak. Took me about 2 min to say yes and I was SO glad I did. I was blessed and I had a good time.

The message was aimed at getting people to realise that there is hope in God regardless of the crap of the past. The main text text was 2 Cor 5: 11-21, and he also pointed to the verse that turned his life around (ie, away from homosexuality, etc): verse 21. It was inspiring. Plus when he was singing at the end I got to wave a "rag" (aka scandal bag)...I mean, I had to improvise seeing he was singing a hype song and wanted the crowd to wave something. That was sooo much fun! I wished he'd heard me screaming when he asked if there were J'cans in the crowd. I seemed to be a lone, soft voice jumping and screaming like a maniac and waving my hands. Oh well! The hurting of the throat at the end of it all was worth it.

Tonight is a movie lyme with my friend from last night. Looking forward to that. After all, it's good to be treated like a VIP every now and then (don't mind that I'm paying for it).

1 comment:

ruthibel said...

Donnie Mac is a dynamic speaker, I tell yah! And I luv his music just too much!