Friday, October 31, 2008


More and more I am longing for the day when this blog will no longer be used for posting but as a way to look back and remember the times I had in Bim. I feel as though home with all the issues I will face is where I want to and need to be, and I am anxiously waiting for the day when that becomes a reality. December is fast approaching, and I am happy...I hope I can pass the time away without getting too frustrated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the countdown begins :)

Try and make the most of every day though. I know it's easy to get into the longing to go home mode, but you may get home and find there was not that much to long for. Trust me on that one. Our minds can be cruel to us sometimes, convincing us of things that are not fully true. There are things you have in BIM right now that you will lose when you get home, your independence being an example. Relish those in your last month.