Sunday, September 2, 2007

First Sunday

Sep 2:

I got up late today. Not going anywhere. I ate cereal (which was surprisingly good) with banana in it. I had to throw away the milk I'd bought last week because thing neva smell right and worse neva taste right- grand waste of money! I used good ole Lasco to make my cereal.

I lazed about for a few hours online. First I read the devotional, then did some blog stuff, then idled a bit. I had beef stew and rice and peas for Sunday dinner and in case you're wondering, I did not prepare it. Apparently I get Sunday dinner on the house every Sunday... what a deal! (I'm lazy, so what?!). I still have the other 6 days of the week to prepare food for myself.

It seems I have a tendency to carry destruction with me wherever I go (not necessarily me doing the destroying). Today the plumber had to be called in because the toilet refused to flush properly after at least 4 or 5 attempts. Sigh.

I continued reading a little more of my book and idled some more. I think I'll love the free time before that paper burns.

Tomorrow, off to school. Need to have my Immigration status sorted out. Would be sad after coming all this way to be kicked out of Bim. Have other little things to sort out too..but then again I have a whole week to do it, but no time like the present.

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