I set my alarm for 7:15, but turned it off and slept a bit more. I finally got up and prayed and then realised that I was cutting it really close if I wanted the free ride to campus on the UWI bus. I ate cereal and got ready and dashed out, but by this time I realised that it was already too late, so I took my time.
I got to campus with half hour to spare. Idled for a few minutes on the computer, then headed to my CERMES orientation. Students were already gathered there waiting. We got our packages which included one from the school (CERMES) and one from the
After the nyamings, we were given a tour of the centre by a post grad. We then went to specific places on campus while half the group fell by the wayside. I was able to see the gym (which is behind a hall of residence and nicely hidden), and I know now where the mart is (in case I need a few stuff and can’t bother to go to the supermarket). We also got some pointers from the guide.
We then headed back to the centre to wait for our next session which will be for the computer lab. The lab is a small one, but nice and cozy. And that ended the orientation session.
I left there and, having gained advice from another OAS Scholarship recipient (from
I headed to kill some time again to wait for the bus, and saw a friend, so we chatted a bit. Some other (law) J’can students came up and we were introduced. I found out there is a JSAC meeting tomorrow. Others would call it a beach lyme. Not very interested in going at this moment, but I am planning on becoming a member and going to meetings when I can. On the bus, I also met another J’can who’s from MoBay and in her 2nd year here. We chatted a bit. She seems nice. She even called people to ask about the JSAC membership and stuff for me.
I got home and ate and chilled for a bit. Then I was fortunate to have my landlady going close by campus so I got a lift there. Since I was early, I called a friend and went to her room on hall, mainly to see what it was like there. I left there and headed to post-grad orientation.
The orientation started a bit late (about 10 minutes). It was held at the Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, and the auditorium was rather cold. The speeches were longer than they should have been, but this is something I’m slowly realising that I will have to get used to.
Afterwards, there was a reception with food and chatting. I saw some of my classmates and we lymed. I hung with them and then headed home afterwards. We were able to catch the UWI buss which should have left about 15 minutes before we caught it. The bus let me off at the top of my avenue, which is bad, because I have to walk the stretch by myself in the dark with some areas darker than others as there is no street lighting. Thank God I did get home safely, and of course, my landlady was a upset at the fact that I had to walk the avenue.
I spent most of the night watching tv and chatting with Mrs. L (landlady). Sometime after midnight, I retired to my room.
Overall, I’d say today was well spent and was important in many ways.
Did I miss what JSAC means? Jamaican Student Association?? I'm guessing here
oh, and CERMES... Center for Environmental Rights, Medicines & Endangered Species... OH, or the Centre for Eastern Religious Medical & Environmental Science?? One of them must be close right. Do I win a prize?
Ahh Bim. :) What an interesting little place it is.
I spent some time there some years ago as a Law student.
I hope they no longer have Peeping Toms! lol :-D
CERMES- Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies
JSAC- Don't memba, but something about Jamaica something and Cave hill. mi not even sure if is JSAC or JASAC or JSACH...(you get the drift).
It's actually JASAC and it's the acronym for Jamaican Association of Students at Cave Hill. .
Each country represented at the Cave Hill campus will have an association. The different associations will also participate in different events and competitions staged on the campus.
Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to read more about your adventures in Bim.
My sister visited some friends in Barbados a few years ago. She said it was nice, but a bit too quiet for her. Oh well, I like quiet. Anyway, said friends have invited me more than once, but the opportunity just never arose. Hope to visit there soon.
All the best in your studies.
Rae, u playin Balderdash?
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